About dyslexia

  • People with dyslexia have great difficulty sounding out and recognising words. This affects their reading and spelling accuracy, which in turn may limit their comprehension.
  • Individuals with dyslexia also may have difficulty in other areas such as handwriting, organizational skills, arithmetic, sequencing, memory for words, distinguishing left from right and following directions.
  • 1 in 10 people is affected by dyslexia to some degree, with 4% being severely affected.
  • Dyslexia affects people of all levels of intelligence.
  • Dyslexia runs in families – it can be inherited.
  • Dyslexia is found in both girls and boys equally; however, boys may be more severely affected.
  • Unrecognised dyslexia may impact a child’s self-concept. The child may feel "stupid" and be self-critical.
  • Dyslexia cannot be cured; however with the right support many difficulties can be overcome.
  • People with dyslexia have great strengths such as: enhanced creativity, being able to ‘think outside the box’ and often develop good problem solving skills.

Signs of dyslexia